- May I be free from involuntary chain of acquaintances, unintended entanglements? Am I the odd one expecting the world to be something else?4:26 PM Apr 6th from Tweetie
- Saint Helena, California, with mom. Wish I could cure my winery & mall fatigue. Incredible bargains at Napa Premium Outlets. I can do this!1:41 PM Apr 6th from Tweetie
- Studying^^ Grid technology, utility-scale energy storage, nano lithium titanate, photovoltaic cells, grid stability/frequency regulation...11:00 AM Apr 6th from web
- Lovely day in Claremont Court. Picked grapefruit, 2 bagfuls, stapled "FREE" signs and left on sidewalk. Found potatoes growing in compost.2:10 PM Apr 4th from web
- Thanks, everyone, dad is (unhappily) using gmail for now, gotta be a simple solution. Now I must shop around for the best 30 yr fixed rate.10:08 AM Apr 3rd from web
- @cinfinity Can't connect to my server, smtp.att.yahoo.net, even tried w/ smtp.gmail.com w/ correct port. Log on account name possibly wrong?9:53 AM Apr 2nd from web
- Trying to solve dad's Windows XP Outlook Express outgoing SMTP server mystery. He can receive, but not send, no matter which servers I try.10:40 PM Apr 1st from web
- NBC 9pm ISU World Figure Skating Championships. This YouTube video of women's short program has ads in the middle. http://tinyurl.com/dd4qmx10:34 AM Mar 28th from web
- Sounds nifty and elegant, but it's not that kind of cruise.. on board a freighter which will stop at many ports on the North Sea. George Ann1:50 PM Mar 27th from web
- Are you gonna be remembered "forever"? Daredevil pilot Phillip Harrison Jolley used to spin little airplanes with me. Killed 5 years ago RIP9:26 AM Mar 27th from web
- Fiction can be the truer truth than the actual journey you took. No need to regret every fact; you don't need future hope to enjoy the past.1:03 PM Mar 26th from web
- Is the RV the modern (upgraded) jalopy? If recession turns into Great Depression II, may I at least look forward to another John Steinbeck?11:40 PM Mar 25th from web
- Here's a cute, funny, but X-rated (sorry!!! but not banned) Durex condom balloon animal commercial with bloopers. http://tinyurl.com/dcyjzn6:27 AM Mar 25th from web
- Disney to release 宮崎駿 Hayao Miyazaki’s 崖の上のポニョ,"Ponyo", on August 14 2009. The little goldfish mermaid that could. http://tinyurl.com/5gowfe11:58 AM Mar 24th from web
- Yes it does happen / Tweets disappear, reappear / Prankish cyber-elves6:12 AM Mar 24th from web
- Yes it does happen / Tweets disappear, reappear / Prankish cyber-elves7:47 PM Mar 23rd from web
- How to annoy me: "Trust me, to be honest, what it is is I personally think it's absolutely to die for, hands down. It's not rocket science."2:16 PM Mar 23rd from web
- Eucalyptus Grove > Strawberry Creek (South Fork) > Doe Memorial Library > Faculty Glade, redwood trees throughout. http://tinyurl.com/crz98s1:10 PM Mar 23rd from web
- ☮hybrid identity of an ancient fusion hotchpotch - Hokkien jiak png 吃飯 -> Nagasaki chanpon 長崎ちゃんぽん -> champong 짬뽕 http://tinyurl.com/cbgmzn10:11 PM Mar 22nd from web
- ...wouldn't mind some Baumkuchen and a discussion on dendrochronology, theme cakes, spit-baking.. and simplicity. http://tinyurl.com/c2b6v85:57 PM Mar 21st from web
- ".. nothing is quite what it seems when you’re upside-down in a topsy-turvy world.." Holly Kirby is not giving up. http://tinyurl.com/dlpg9z8:41 AM Mar 21st from web
- I have an acute dislike of the phrase "low-income housing". High-income people may choose to live in boxes, no-income wealthy in mansions.10:20 AM Mar 19th from web
- ぬるぬるとろろって、ほんとに食べ物の話だけなのよ。 (ò_ô) 糸ひき納豆って、卵かけご飯って、とろろご飯って。。。カール・ユングを取り上げたことはそうなんだけど。。原生のスープかなんか。あの、あなた、エッチなことしか考えないの?http://tinyurl.com/col29m3:58 PM Mar 18th from web
- That "slowbie" looks quite "luxual" savoring his "wellbing" Kraze Burger. 크라제버거, not MOS burger (モスバーガー)". 웰빙... http://tinyurl.com/c6emjy2:45 PM Mar 17th from web
- Perhaps Fido can still afford his Airstream and move to Asia. Luxury goods 奢侈品 still hot over there. Warily 奢侈淫佚.. http://tinyurl.com/cfrzw212:17 PM Mar 14th from web
- The coffee they served last night at the Claremont Book Club Annual Dinner was NOT decaf. Stayed up all night! (Btw, nice play, Nancy Raff!)10:48 AM Mar 13th from web
- Sometimes I want to put commas and periods outside the quotations marks. The logic of the sentence should dictate where I might place them.1:45 PM Mar 12th from web
- The Internet sensation 草泥馬 "cao ni ma" the alpaca vs. 操你媽 ... um, this word is kinda untweetable by sharonhahnd. http://tinyurl.com/advkv99:28 AM Mar 12th from web
- I was kidding when I said I'd make Spotted Pig ricotta gnudi "nudie" for dinner. Sorry for getting your hopes up. http://tinyurl.com/ahzhyj1:05 PM Mar 11th from web
- Thank you, President Obama... "Singapore's middle-schoolers outperform ours three to one." http://twitter.com/SharonHa...9:41 PM Mar 10th from web
- Not that I'd go back to being a Teaching Associate at Cornell University, but I have too many journo friends, not enough creative artists...6:45 PM Mar 10th from web
- "Greek fine dining" still an oxymoron, but I enjoyed it.. και να κράταες άνθος τ' όνειρό μου, τ' όνειρο που μαδώ.. http://tinyurl.com/afcael4:19 PM Mar 10th from web
- I'd like my #economy the way I like my sausage. Packed with gutsy goodness, just a tiny hint of pork fat, and free of out-to-lunch pundits.12:40 PM Mar 9th from web
- Practical #education? Not everyone needs college then. Just make secondary schools better. 1987 Singapore snapshot http://tinyurl.com/boltp410:17 AM Mar 9th from web
- In retrospect, I was a tad greedy, foolish. Haven't had any motivation to take my HEAVY Meade 10-inch telescope out of its box for years.9:28 PM Mar 8th from web
- Booming repair businesses should pair up with internet cafes: computer/car/phone/game/gadget, shoe repair cafe, nice slippers while I wait..11:47 AM Mar 8th from web
- Little Miata passes smog test. Check costs $15 more with new "low pressure EVAP". So, "original estimate"$79 + EVAP - $15 discount = $79.11:44 AM Mar 8th from web
- Why did someone try to give the Japanese Prime Minister, Taro Aso,"manga brain", a reading test? Japanese is hard. http://tinyurl.com/bedg3912:02 PM Mar 6th from web
- How do we handle the Internet anarchy? “Wild West” rather than “Digital Somalia” model? 互聯網 is censored, of course http://tinyurl.com/dcfsak2:58 PM Mar 5th from web
- Listening to Bertrand Russell's 1932 take on economics, "In Praise of Idleness". http://tinyurl.com/bkh6ok text: http://tinyurl.com/2t9e712:19 AM Mar 4th from web
- Fortune cookies would be more exciting if they scared us. "Your insurance won't pay for that" "Your pet will be killed by a Sukhoi Flanker".6:20 PM Mar 3rd from web
- ..because I'm an imbecile.. not endangered? phew. what the heck is sterling white sturgeon anyway.. beluga or not? http://tinyurl.com/bwase34:59 PM Mar 3rd from web
- 1) play-down "friend friend": not a girlfriend/boyfriend 2) play-up "friend friend": more than a facebook friend, more than a work friend2:42 PM Mar 3rd from web
- A good grilled pork sandwich? BBQ pork? Grilled chicken? Cured pork/pate? $2.75? GET.OUT. Recession lunch idea #1 http://tinyurl.com/bzn64411:58 AM Mar 3rd from web
- Blip.fm song is now taking too long to load..(!) Here's Nick Drake's too-beautiful-for-words song "Fly" on YouTube http://tinyurl.com/bkjzdh4:04 PM Mar 1st from web
- automatic music updates from blip.fm - choice of twitter, friendfeed, tumblr, livejournal, jaiku, audioscrobbler. http://tinyurl.com/cexaq42:39 PM Mar 1st from web
- Have you seen a more beautiful friendly rivalry? Yuna Kim 김연아/ Mao Asada 浅田真央 are no Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding. http://tinyurl.com/brxqq24:03 PM Feb 26th from web
- To be retweeted and faved, violence/ graphic sexual content sells? I give you breast, feet, testicles. Heart, too. http://tinyurl.com/c7vj8f3:35 PM Feb 25th from web
- Poor Bobby Jindal. Charisma of idli. http://tinyurl.com/bdcxh7 Tiny Domo arigato Mr. Roboto man had more presence http://tinyurl.com/b4eplh7:40 PM Feb 24th from web
- Tamil idli vs. Czech knedlík? Ellapugazhum Iraivanukee, Czech out these steamed cakes/dumplings. It's all gravy... http://tinyurl.com/djru2y...3:12 PM Feb 24th from web
- Classic screenplay wins Oscar. Twitter screenplay possible,complete with exposition, development, crisis, climax, resolution? Virtual twist.2:06 PM Feb 23rd from web
- Lesson from the Buffalo accident: Don't fight the stick-pusher. You'll stall the airplane. Nose down, you may live. http://tinyurl.com/aa2crf1:15 PM Feb 20th from web
- Mac AirPort connection going in and out. Wi-fi router's range getting shorter?? Attempting to build a radio wave reflector w/ aluminum foil.5:22 PM Feb 19th from web
- Clinton in Korea, "pop culture leader of Asia". No time for weepy 韓劇. Instead mourns Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-hwan http://tinyurl.com/ac5kxt...4:51 PM Feb 19th from web
- Clinton in Indonesia. When someone says Indonesia, first you think a) ___ b)___ c)___ The correct answer for me; http://tinyurl.com/cb86fo4:09 PM Feb 18th from web
- Thunder. Lightning! Are we all sinking? Shrug. Need some bright rays of sun shining through a window? 囧囧囧囧... http://tinyurl.com/aaxdrg...10:57 AM Feb 17th from web
- Chinese VP Xi Jinping (習近平) shakes his finger at foreign busybodies, 吃飽了没事幹的外国人. Belly full, nothing better do to? http://tinyurl.com/ctxqtc...4:17 PM Feb 13th from web
- Six words? Would rather sing of Pi Day. / Can I skip to Blue Day? / Jelly Belly Berry Blue Jelly Beans. http://tinyurl.com/c99k3n8:09 AM Feb 13th from web
- Dear "good people from goodcrush", it's cute but please tell my "friend" I've no intention of using your good service for "mutual crushing"!5:57 PM Feb 12th from web
- Dust bunnies, enjoy your stay for now. I have no idea how to operate a broom.5:22 PM Feb 12th from web
- "Four major newspapers"?: 紐約時報 (NYT), 華盛頓郵報 (WaPo), 華爾街日報 (WSJ), 金融時報 (FT),the last 2 with Chinese language sites http://tinyurl.com/ajyjel...11:27 AM Feb 12th from web
- Think convenience store meets dollar store meets corner grocery store. New species of コンビニ, Shop99, LawsonStore100 http://tinyurl.com/cvygox...2:25 PM Feb 10th from web
- Let's see if this works.Testing my Blip.fm feed, http://tinyurl.com/c9kwte via Twitter to Friendfeed. C'est fou, non? Je n'en ai pas marre.6:51 PM Feb 6th from web
- Economy in real bad shape. "Sale on Madison Avenue", photos: http://tinyurl.com/bt5x8v, http://tinyurl.com/c2m6gq, http://tinyurl.com/c5ngdf4:03 AM Feb 6th from web
- Comfort food? Lagman ("ramen",лагман), kartoshka (картошка a.k.a. potato), borscht (борщ), pelmeni (пельмени)... http://tinyurl.com/dg2uup...4:00 AM Feb 6th from web
- Beef, it's what's for dinner. 和牛? 한우? Whatever it is, we'll take 꽃등심, 霜降り肉. Only flowery or frosty may cut it. http://tinyurl.com/bbltxs...7:53 PM Feb 4th from web
- Change your life! Get a new JOB parking cars in Manhattan. Paid training! Growth opportunity! http://tinyurl.com/coct2l6:12 PM Feb 4th from web
- Quietly dreaming of Yaddo of yore. Yaddo, "the opposite of shadow" through Feb. 15, at the New York Public Library http://tinyurl.com/btcr7e4:27 PM Feb 4th from web
- I am just a humble writer. An ordinary passenger, not a "skybus driver". I don't carry these fancy flight passes. http://tinyurl.com/a9qhu83:17 AM Feb 4th from web
- Airport security took my shampoo. 105 lb. women passengers must look dangerous. "I'm gonna murder all of you! With my extra mild shampoo!!!"2:27 PM Feb 3rd from web
- I was wrong. Dire crisis indeed. 危機 "danger and opportunity"? Actually, 危 (perilous) 機 (machine) 一 (one) 髮 (hair) http://tinyurl.com/asd8ub...10:09 AM Jan 30th from web
- @telstarlogistic Thanks, Todd! The "red sparrow" the cardinal, not that anyone would care to know: 紅衣主教鳥 (红衣主教鸟) http://tinyurl.com/avqhgw...10:19 PM Jan 29th from web
- Super Bowl in China? 超 (super) 級 (grade) 盃 (bowl) 鋼人 vs. 紅雀 "Steelmen" vs. "Red sparrows", China will be watching. http://tinyurl.com/bhspns...11:58 AM Jan 29th from web
- Are all sports created by a few spectacularly devoted nuts? Freestyle slalom inline skating is now popular. 自由式輪滑. http://tinyurl.com/c5v9zp...10:56 PM Jan 28th from web
- "..privilege and a defiance of the usual earthbound laws.." and now it's scary how well one can get to know another without actually talking8:24 PM Jan 27th from web
- Next Olympic champion? Yu-na Kim? http://tinyurl.com/blkwt7 Mao Asada? http://tinyurl.com/bwnkw2 Carolina Kostner? http://tinyurl.com/d5uctv12:12 AM Jan 27th from web
- First things first. Again, Happy New Year! 新年快樂. 新年快乐. Year of the Ox. http://tinyurl.com/d87axz11:30 AM Jan 26th from web
- @nickroth But are you happier doling out $12 for a discounted bottle of badly aged wine or 2 boxes Krispy Kreme donuts w/ free Obama coffee?4:57 PM Jan 25th from web
- I wonder if I should get a good camera...3:59 PM Jan 25th from web
- Here's the sad truth, folks. I can't tell the difference between a $12 and a $1200 bottle of wine. So please don't bother. -bubu (beat bobo)2:43 PM Jan 23rd from web
- At an anti-Blackberry luncheon, learning about antebellum & Gilded Age women art collectors, their objets d'art and avant-garde paintings.3:01 PM Jan 22nd from txt
- Insurance, shminsurance. Shouldn't we comparison-shop for preventive cardiac morphology and 3D post-processing? Why are we paying $5000 ?!!8:32 AM Jan 22nd from web
- The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Twitter.. now Obama Media (Barack TV, Obama Mobile, MyBO..http://www.barackobama.com/...11:58 AM Jan 20th from web
- 한국여자들이 역시 예뻐 ^^. http://tinyurl.com/7boea6 http://tinyurl.com/9oft8j http://tinyurl.com/79xo6q11:39 AM Jan 19th from web
- He'd already given up on Teterboro, was still hoping for LaGuardia. That couldn't happen, so a quick, firm decision to "land" on the Hudson.2:12 PM Jan 16th from web
- The slight gain in altitude from "1,200" to "1,300" feet over the Hudson? You don't need a working engine. You trade airspeed for altitude.5:30 PM Jan 15th from web
- So, everything that could have gone right did go right. He did execute a perfect engine-out "downwind", "base" and "final", it sounds like.4:49 PM Jan 15th from web
- ..hazard to aircraft.. gulls, waterfowl, vultures, hawks, owls, egrets, blackbirds, starlings.. um, pilots don't panic, thank you very much.4:33 PM Jan 15th from web
- Taking a number ("63") at a post office. There's absolutely no one around. Waiting for the comatose clerk to deign to notice me.11:36 AM Jan 15th from txt
- For the last time... yes, that's just beautiful. MUSICAL, in fact. Believe me, Steve Jobs is not going to die from THAT.8:06 PM Jan 14th from web
- Ooh. Flowers delivered to the house from "Darling Flower Shop". Lovely white freesias, roses and lilies. Don't you know it's the recession?7:39 AM Jan 14th from web
- (hate using Alt) ¯ ª º ¹ ² ³ ™ © ® ☉ ¢ ¼ ½ ¾ ‰ Ø ¶ ± ÷ ƒ ß ð € Æ æ å à á ä â ç è é ê ë ü ú ñ µ ï œŒ .·´¯`·♫¡ í Í Ï ì °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸.∝∞...1:12 PM Jan 13th from web
- Someday apply Veblenesque “prestige goods” pricing model to quality twitter (now inversely ∝ to the # of "followers") for premium opinion?...12:07 PM Jan 13th from web
- Time for a cheese plate, formaggi di bufala, warm nut bread, fig marmelata, honey tea, grapes, apples. O sole mio. http://tinyurl.com/5cphg22:52 PM Jan 12th from web
- @nickroth, a feast knocked out the flu. In any case, I say idle a cold, slumber a fever.10:14 AM Jan 12th from web in reply to nickroth
- It's about time... cozy in bed, onto Du côté de chez Swann.10:21 PM Jan 9th from web
- Attacked by a mutant flu virus? These coughs sound serious...12:04 PM Jan 9th from web
- More media gloom, "A Requiem for my New York Times Home Delivery" He does praise the "superb business reporting" http://tinyurl.com/a2b2sr10:55 AM Jan 8th from web
- Not a bad workout at the uncrowded mini ice rink. This is probably the last time this season.10:02 PM Jan 7th from web
- Counting skaters at "Holiday Ice Rink" in Union Square. Seven.5:16 PM Jan 7th from txt
- Good content is not going to be free forever. I repeat. http://tinyurl.com/4gknvy http://tinyurl.com/9vsh3o The day is coming. Stay tuned.1:46 PM Jan 7th from web
- I don't get all this iPhone hoopla. (Yes, I like it. Now please let me go do something else.) Why is it still called iPhone anyway. iThing?9:35 AM Jan 7th from web
- Incomparable. Awesome. It's the old paradox - what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? http://tinyurl.com/8bymcq11:35 PM Jan 6th from web
- @telstarlogistic, it can be so much better! Perhaps I should put in a little more effort. Thank you. It means a lot to me.5:49 PM Jan 6th from web in reply to TelstarLogistic
- The Big Apple drops a ball, so Atlanta drops a peach. What should San Francisco drop? Fruit basket. From where? Why, Coit Tower, of course.4:56 PM Jan 1st from web
- Had I stopped for that casual query, there would have been a different chain reaction of thoughts, and 2008 would've been a different year.9:45 AM Dec 31st, 2008 from web
- "Mutual fund swap" tax deduction Forbes-style. Declare a loss, buy back a similar fund before appreciation. What'll they come up with next?8:04 AM Dec 30th, 2008 from web
- An Age of Twitter. Isn't 喋喋不休 twitter-worthy? 喋 喋 喋 喋 喋 喋... (twitter twitter twitter twitter twitter twitter...) http://tinyurl.com/84re38...10:19 AM Dec 23rd, 2008 from web
- Do we really want to live in a topsy-turvy world where 債多不愁 is actually true? You incur debt, you pay it back. http://tinyurl.com/79btdr...9:24 AM Dec 23rd, 2008 from web
- Friends with whom you may dare to be yourself? "Spiritual fungus" or "immortal mushroom" probably not called for. http://tinyurl.com/8z9ryy11:14 AM Dec 21st, 2008 from web
- Cozy at home, but must get up to get ready for another Christmas party... I am fond of her little house on a hill, by W.R. Yelland, I think.5:12 PM Dec 20th, 2008 from web
- Segments of a forgotten dream. Shuttle Atlantis was hovering, celebrating a birthday. Then it was replaced by a blue minnow. Then, both gone9:25 PM Dec 19th, 2008 from web
- (Una lección de español) Yo estoy comiendo sopa de tomate con poblano y guajillo. Es bueno para el resfriado? http://tinyurl.com/3pwza76:05 PM Dec 18th, 2008 from web
- What to call 端, the beginning/end, clue/solution, onset/limit? Verge? Edge? Hem? Ledge? Berm? Margin? Perimeter? http://tinyurl.com/4c5v748:14 AM Dec 18th, 2008 from web
- Good thing I detest slavery to routines. Am actually welcoming the scratchiness in my throat. A painful cold ahead? All right,"vitamin bomb"7:43 PM Dec 16th, 2008 from web
- Snowing in the East Bay! Catching large snowflakes at Mt. Diablo Junction Ranger Station. (Summit closed to cars due to car fire)3:26 PM Dec 15th, 2008 from txt
- What's keeping me awake? That vanilla vodka bubbly concoction? (Another lovely Norman Rockwell-esque Christmas party in Claremont Court.)1:38 AM Dec 14th, 2008 from web
- Beginner's luck at Golden Gate Fields racing track. Picked the winners, 2 in a row. Should have wagered to win, not to place. Made $3.50.5:55 PM Dec 12th, 2008 from web
- I could stare at alligator gars for hours... glad I got the membership to the California Academy of Sciences. Awesome planetarium!2:30 PM Dec 9th, 2008 from txt
- Sorry- here are the competing Chinese twitter-like services. http://zuosa.com/ http://fanfou.com/ http://jiwai.de/ http://www.taotao.com/4:55 PM Dec 8th, 2008 from web
- トゥ イッターについって, twitterati twirling. Globally competing services (做啥, 饭否, 叽歪...) with twitterized tweeties, twitterivia, twitpics. Twitterific!...3:24 PM Dec 8th, 2008 from web
- @KingLaksa, I've promised myself never to promise anything. Capeesh? (Also, this totally uncool possibility might keep you on your paws.)10:59 AM Dec 8th, 2008 from web in reply to KingLaksa
- Ice skating tonight in San Francisco, in shorts. Okay, it was a bit cold today for shorts. Hog Island Olympia platter afterwards, on ice.9:44 PM Dec 5th, 2008 from web
- Witnessed the near-death of the city of Vallejo, and finally saw the utterly desolate beauty of Mare Island up close, from ground level.9:34 PM Dec 3rd, 2008 from web
- In fact, it'd be neat if people actually paid a penny for your iTweets, the way you do iTunes. Perhaps not $0.99. $0.01 per favorite tweet?11:05 AM Dec 3rd, 2008 from web
- A penny for your tweets? Building one's base leads to "marketing opportunities", "a salable asset"?(Google knows, secret "followers" count.)10:16 AM Dec 3rd, 2008 from web
- Almost barfed while riding Spongebob Squarepants 3-D("4-D") amusement park production. Not due to motion sickness, due to "buyer's remorse".11:27 PM Dec 2nd, 2008 from web
- No luck at neatly cracking soft-boiled eggshells so they'd sit nicely on various egg cups(egg pants, egg chickens) http://tinyurl.com/5okdy810:36 AM Nov 29th, 2008 from web
- There were Pynchon's shadows too, at Cornell. I did hope for a sunrise over the Libe Slope. Alas, it faces west. http://tinyurl.com/677cjk10:15 PM Nov 28th, 2008 from web
- So glad movie theaters are within walking distance. Mom wanted to see Transporter 3 (!!??) so we all enjoyed a nice walk. A lovely Friday.8:24 PM Nov 28th, 2008 from web
- Bombay massacre bolder than al-Qaeda suicide attacks, larger than domestic protests against the Indian government. Complex global terrorism.8:26 PM Nov 27th, 2008 from web
- Cleaning out the clutter in the fridge to get ready for tomorrow's repast. Is that plum chutney from a year ago?!? http://tinyurl.com/688yzz8:16 AM Nov 26th, 2008 from web
- Slow-blogging/deep-blogging a la slow food movement? Admirable, as long as writing is terrific, not soporific. Reflective, short or long.8:56 AM Nov 24th, 2008 from web
- NOT gonna study Fibonacci retracement / golden ratio. I wouldn't mind, however, some fractal vegetables for lunch. http://tinyurl.com/57odhp1:47 PM Nov 23rd, 2008 from web
- Twitter social media consultant? Social network presence could be a goldmine, I suppose. Personal brand consultancy a la snake oil sales...12:16 PM Nov 23rd, 2008 from web
- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (溫家寶/温家宝) happens to be a poet. How cool is that? Earnest hope -yes. T. S. Eliot -no. http://tinyurl.com/54u72b...12:09 PM Nov 22nd, 2008 from web
- Planning to bake a persimmon pie. Therefore, I am going for a walk. http://tinyurl.com/6npflh11:52 AM Nov 20th, 2008 from web
- Showing my clumsy cats how to become ninja kitties, not rash hunters. http://tinyurl.com/5zywkv http://www.youtube.com/watc...10:31 AM Nov 20th, 2008 from web
- Yes, the effort of expelling thoughts as words can be oppressive. And yes, emptiness is the aim of certain philosophies - not troubling, no.4:43 PM Nov 19th, 2008 from web
- What do you do with a beautifully wrapped "Fleur de Luxe" gift box with "fine wine & gourmet foods" I hardly care for? Dare I say.. regift?8:11 PM Nov 17th, 2008 from web
- Where's the tough medicine? You've killed the bull. http://tinyurl.com/6kyfje10:05 AM Nov 16th, 2008 from web
- DMX: Barack? What the *? That ain’t no *in’ name, yo...they *ed this shit up then give it to black people? “Here you take it, take my mess.”...3:48 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from web
- 偏った歴史観を持つ第2, 第3の田母神俊雄を生むと - 三人成虎... http://tinyurl.com/6c8bwe9:23 AM Nov 12th, 2008 from web
- Anti-intellectualism on the wane? A new era of sexy elitists? "U.S. elects its 1st Afric-..." no, no, "...elects a president with a BRAIN".8:33 PM Nov 9th, 2008 from web
- Barack Hussein Obama is not stranger than you imagine, nor is he stranger than you CAN imagine.7:16 PM Nov 9th, 2008 from web
- I spooked myself, http://tinyurl.com/69wj6b infinity time-stamped@2:22 on 2/22. Did another for fun. Can't be bothered to do more, but neat!7:04 PM Nov 9th, 2008 from web
- Thought the little old toaster wouldn't make it this long - it has. Won't be flying to his brother any time soon. http://tinyurl.com/5c59kw12:21 PM Nov 9th, 2008 from web
- Sharon doesn't want to kill any more flowers. As you know, the nature of regret is the impossibility of enough.12:02 PM Nov 9th, 2008 from web
- The ultimate twitter impossibility - "I am sleeping" as opposed to "Just woke up".8:13 AM Nov 9th, 2008 from txt
- Immersed in the story of a sad sack in a fleabag Vegas hotel, a Golden Shangri-La Casino waitress with a heart, dark, drippy noir music...8:56 PM Nov 8th, 2008 from web
- ... about to merk all urban dictionaries.1:08 PM Nov 7th, 2008 from web
- Oh, forgot to update. Drilling ceramic tile is a snap! Neat. No chrome tissue holder is ever going to escape my notice in bathrooms now.5:46 PM Nov 5th, 2008 from web
- About to drill into brand new ceramic subway tiles. (...disaster looming...)3:24 PM Nov 5th, 2008 from txt
- 小浜市 (Obama City) is wildly jubilant. What's in a name? That which we call it by any other name would still be a Fukui city, not Barry O's...2:32 PM Nov 5th, 2008 from web
- La victoire de Barack Obama, 奧巴馬的勝利, 오바마 승리, オバマの勝利. The United States of America has a new president-elect, and the world is noticing...7:45 PM Nov 4th, 2008 from web
- Chirrup.. twitter.. it is shaping up to be one twittering, twitterful, twitterous, tweeting, twitterrific, and NOT twitterbulent, election!3:42 PM Nov 4th, 2008 from web
- Voting was painless :) Free coffee to boot. Waiting for Mr. "Profound Hope Horse", 奧巴馬, to become 美國總統. http://tinyurl.com/6xq8tu...1:24 PM Nov 4th, 2008 from web
- US Air Force seeks a few good falcons & falconers trained in falconry. Football halftime birds need not apply http://tinyurl.com/5ahnh57:59 PM Nov 3rd, 2008 from web
- Tea. A Tibetan friend says there's no such thing as "yak milk"/"yak butter". It should be "dri milk", "dri butter", "dri cheese" etc. ༀ...3:02 PM Nov 3rd, 2008 from web
- 家の猫によると, "地獄,それは他の猫たちである". http://tinyurl.com/6yabwy8:25 PM Nov 2nd, 2008 from web
- Laksa Hahn Darlin a dit à sa maman, solennellement, "l'enfer, c'est les autres chats." http://tinyurl.com/6yabwy7:59 PM Nov 2nd, 2008 from web
- A new bed in the guest room, lovely lighting in the bathroom and shower, chrome towel rack. Apologies to visitors who've suffered without...2:23 PM Nov 2nd, 2008 from web
- Counting the days. Pixar's WALL-E DVD/Blu-ray. ☆ Mankind leaves ◐*,┎凸┑forgotten... lonely WALL*ⓔ collects ∋-- O-- ♬♬┎ii┑-->(●●)ノ┎凸┑loves EVE...2:53 AM Nov 1st, 2008 from web
- Mental note for next Halloween: Take pictures of adorable 2-headed boxes with legs, head-popping trash cans, slut-fairies, doggies as sheep.11:14 PM Oct 31st, 2008 from web
- Pumpkin "sculpture" inspired by my crazy orange tabby who (really) loves to travel :) I chickened out this year. http://tinyurl.com/6kng4o2:24 PM Oct 31st, 2008 from web
- Have you seen plum leaves fall through a dense fog? (Fog's lifting now..) Feel like re-translating a couple of passages. Suggestions? 村上春樹?...9:50 AM Oct 29th, 2008 from web
- 親子丼って知ってる?http://tinyurl.com/6lkcku7:05 PM Oct 28th, 2008 from web
- Uh.. apparently people are exaggerating my Hainanese chicken cooking prowess. Could turn out, at best, comical. Will report this weekend.1:23 PM Oct 28th, 2008 from txt
- Walked past the street poet, ignored the little chocolate shop, actually made it up to the arch, a nice courtyard.10:47 AM Oct 28th, 2008 from txt
- Nov.4 is coming, Humpty. The lion and the unicorn are fighting for the crown. Capture the red lady, checkmate. Through the looking glass.11:55 PM Oct 27th, 2008 from web
- Watching the glass shower door being installed is not boring, it's white-knuckle gripping.12:46 PM Oct 27th, 2008 from txt
- Jon Hamm is no Don Draper. The 21st century seems so wrong for terse, debonair men, and style with substance is more than just shoeshine.9:06 PM Oct 26th, 2008 from web
- Dear Dyson finally bit the dust, left us for purple vacuum cleaner heaven.3:34 PM Oct 26th, 2008 from web
- A close one in Colorado. Cross-Country Kitties for Obameow! http://tinyurl.com/5bow4y12:28 PM Oct 26th, 2008 from web
- Feeling decadent, breakfast in bed, (scrambled eggs, smoked salmon), watching Fareed Zakaria9:07 AM Oct 26th, 2008 from txt
- I know... the plot has thinned, and the falcon ain't flyin' yet... 无声... Will the 犬 be 大? 玉 with 王? We'll see. http://tinyurl.com/5ahnh5...3:14 PM Oct 25th, 2008 from web
- So, "resolution" lasted exactly one day. It was a home-cooked meal, okay? Make that a "soft" resolution. Only when I am afforded a choice..3:01 PM Oct 25th, 2008 from web
- Hairy drive home last night after 3 (or more?) glasses of very good wine with very good (gulp!) steak. How can you ruin fun in good company?7:54 AM Oct 25th, 2008 from web
- Lunched aboveground, alfresco @ Notes from Underground Cafe. (F.D wasn't there, thank heavens)2:54 PM Oct 24th, 2008 from txt
- Watching Faces of Death (1978). Ignorant me! These poor animals know they are about to die.. All my wine, merrymaking! Swearing off meat.10:42 PM Oct 23rd, 2008 from web
- "So... last night... you were walking down this dark alley... " http://tinyurl.com/6mhmgq10:37 PM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web
- A 4 lb carton of "Peony" grapes at Berkeley Bowl. How delightfully reminiscent of pione (ピオーネ). These are Kyoho (巨峰) but bought it anyway...3:15 PM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web
- A rare breezy day. Gusts swirling northeast to south shake windows. Suddenly missing David Foster Wallace. Like water for wind.12:14 PM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web
- Is nation-building even possible? All you can do is tell these Pakistanis and Afghanis (a.k.a. relatives and cousins) a story:11:00 AM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web
- "See the tentacles move on the snails? There is a tribe on each. This sickly one? The left battled with the right, causing much bloodshed."10:54 AM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web
- Poor cramped Chinese astronauts didn't get to glide back in style in a sleek winged orbiter. I suppose sometimes wings are just a nuisance.10:45 AM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web
- Hal, I've started Babeling. Funny - 人工智能 (AI) actually looks like "AI"... lend me your 電子頭腦, I might lend you artifice and intelligence ...10:18 AM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web
- Original is here. http://www.penpoemrelay.org Still wondering what's happening to this Chinese poet. This is my version:10:18 AM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web
- is pondering Laksa's question, "Where was I when mommy lived here??" http://tinyurl.com/5e5yd711:09 AM Oct 21st, 2008 from web
- is looking for the International Fish of Mystery - he is a marked fish. http://tinyurl.com/5mtkt410:56 AM Oct 21st, 2008 from web
- is weighing nattering nabobs of negativism vs. prattling peons of positivism. http://tinyurl.com/5dnaxe10:22 AM Oct 21st, 2008 from web