- a magnificent Norman cathedral in Oakland CA now forgotten http://bit.ly/ag8BbD Built in 1893, demolished in 1993, photos of then and now
- green, green glass of modern San Francisco (3rd and South Street) http://bit.ly/aArigY Here, One Rincon Hill doesn't look too lonesome.
- morning drive on Lagoon Road (San Francisco) http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharonhahndarlin/4945745678/
- Then and now. Should I go get the view from Hotel Oakland (the building on right) to match this 1922 photo exactly? http://bit.ly/beCRz1
- I enjoyed taking this photo http://bit.ly/bCyBZT Can you guess where? Taken in 1922: http://bit.ly/bv8lN0 Oakland then and now series #3
- Oakland then and now photo series #2 Oakland Tribune (date?) http://bit.ly/d0ESz8 modern buildings surrounding it now http://bit.ly/bTjoui
- Oakland then and now photo series #1 Lake Merritt 2010 http://bit.ly/cF0tod Lake Merritt undated http://bit.ly/d8OAbU Note the Tribune Tower
- frog in the well http://bit.ly/9809mQ
- Lesson: you can do it without scratching other people's backs. Google your friends' names in quotes and compare. Results will surprise you.
- United & Continental merging? http://bit.ly/bv4JCD
- Α Ω http://bit.ly/97XN7b
- 非実在老人: 青森市では184才の女性、愛媛県四国中央市では158才の男性、香川県まんのう町では169才の女性、秋田県能代市では170才の男性 @Gigazine Nonexistent seniors in Aomori (184!), Ehime, Kagawa, Akita
- ambitious girl idol group to watch http://bit.ly/bgCH4J Girls' Generation 소녀시대 少女時代 pure eye candy - someone write them better songs please
- 今 敏 さん-/ 夢みる機械に/ 生まれてね --
- http://bit.ly/b9w8M0 sewerhistory.org presents manhole covers from Asia, NZ, Australia, Russia, the Mideast, Scotland, Ireland, Canada...
- かわいい!!! cutest US Navy, Army, Air Force, U.S.S.R. Air Force, Luftwaffe fighters you'll ever see http://bit.ly/9bM3nC 戰鬥機 fighter 전투기 戦闘機
- "Nonexistent senior" T-shirts for Japanese, um, seniors. Comes preshrunk, grey, vintage fabric.. http://bit.ly/aQfLPC 不存在的老人 비실재 노인 非実在老人
- http://bit.ly/90LzJZ Shilla's 1st hwarang were women. Beautiful youths trained in horsemanship, swordsmanship, archery, martial arts. 화랑 花郎
- art by 加山又造 (Kayama Matazo), intaglio master and painter http://bit.ly/cm0TDc 版畫家 판화가 版画家
- multicolored neo-expressionism by artist Lee Han-Woo (이한우) http://bit.ly/brGBFg 신표현주의 新表現主義
- gravity-defying art by photographer Li Wei (李伟) http://bit.ly/a7bYdL 重力不畏 중력을 무시하는 重力を無視する
- This artist is single-handedly changing the game altogether. http://bit.ly/bH8Txu Neo-Japanese Art by Hisashi Tenmyouya 新日本畫 네오 일본화 ネオ日本画
- shoeshine preppie http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharonhahndarlin/4918230320/
- phantom of the strada http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharonhahndarlin/4917537869/
- http://bit.ly/bTOuof They read your (old!) books. Do you read theirs? The Closing of the American Mind 美國精神的封閉 미국 정신의 종말 アメリカン・マインドの終焉
- http://bit.ly/d28YvC Once the terminus of the transcontinental railroad, it wanted to be NY Grand Central Terminal, DC Union Station. Alas.
- http://bit.ly/9lOM1H geeks, a.k.a. otaku: "people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, video games" 極客/技客/奇客 꾼/매니아 ヲタ/おたく
- http://bit.ly/c4iNiZ “They represent exploration and the opportunity to discover new worlds” Trojan horses invade homes 特洛伊木馬 트로이 목마 トロイの木馬
- Cheers. Fruit soju. http://languagegallery.blogspot.com/2010/08/fruit-soju.html 水果燒酒 과일 소주 果物焼酎
- http://bit.ly/cANO3p China hoards South Korean treasury bonds; turns to regional markets to invest currency reserves other than dollar, euro
- http://bit.ly/9afYH6 Everyone should do it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've done it as many as six times before breakfast.
- Oakland Central Station (with a slide show) http://post.ly/sTqR
- Oakland Central Station (Beaux Arts–style train station) http://post.ly/sC7i
- Oakland Central Station (Beaux Arts–style train station) http://post.ly/sC6m
- one lofty door http://post.ly/s7sy
- The Unbearable Lightness of a Red Winking Car http://post.ly/s7nL
- skid row Mondrian - Bayshore bus, clean composition in blue and white http://post.ly/s7dR
- Kryptonite http://post.ly/s7A9
- two palms http://post.ly/s79Z
- convergence http://post.ly/s75k
- how to dress up an ugly building, a.k.a. peek-a-boo One Rincon Hill http://post.ly/s3Bj
- old Millbrae sign http://post.ly/s2tm
- coming home (Caltrain pulling into King Street station, between 6th and 7th streets) http://post.ly/s2Lx
- Let's do nothing. http://languagegallery.blogspot.com/2010/08/do-nothing.html
- http://bit.ly/bMnkd6 Thank goodness for Simple English Wikipedia! Don't laugh - Pollyanna's Glad Game will cheer you up :) 快樂遊戲 다행찾기 幸せ探し
- http://bit.ly/aZQFZD Je ne veux pas d'un éléphant dans un boa. Un boa c'est très dangereux. Dessine-moi un mouton. 給我畫一隻羊 양을 그려줘 羊を描いてくれ
- http://bit.ly/azkv1T collectible cars 1961 Ferrari hot rod 1949 Delahaye roadster '72-73 Porsche Spyder 1958 Ferrari Testa Rossa tx @nytimes
- Mais non, monsieur, ce n'est pas mal du tout/ Muet comme une carpe/ Mon lunaire entendement est donc égale à vous... http://bit.ly/cFHvJJ
- http://bit.ly/cFHvJJ Oui,devenir légendaire, Au seuil des siècles charlatans! Mais où sont les Lunes d’antan et que Dieu n’est-il à refaire?
- http://bit.ly/93xhuG All right- here's real kitty porn. Kitties lying on their backs. 4th one attempts some decency :) 仰卧的貓 바로 누운 고양이 仰向けの猫
- How to say "cappuccino foam" in four languages, i.e. Puppinese, Bunniese, Mousese and of course, Kittinese aka Catonese http://bit.ly/dqMYhn
- http://bit.ly/cc5Kse As collectible as emoticons? Girly 画嬢 (gajou) mania!
- http://bit.ly/aG14Sm Hot summer: hot fashion in South Korea 透明時裝 see-through look 시스루룩 シースルールック
- ONE TREE --> http://post.ly/r2NY
- ONE TREE http://post.ly/r2Mr
- Three Entree Restaurant - Special of the Day: Good and Slow http://post.ly/r2As
- Three Entree Restaurant -- Entree 1: Cheap and good (slow), Entree 2: Cheap and fast (crappy, Entree 3: Good and fast... http://post.ly/r24F
- colorful leafcutter ant people http://post.ly/r0x5
- step up http://post.ly/r0tR
- "Tornado" funnel http://post.ly/r0sb
- http://bit.ly/9PpBXi Content farms “death of hand-crafted content“? More "performance-based monetization"? Demand Media http://bit.ly/b4wrws
- http://bit.ly/aC7W1v Boston Police Use Twitter to Catch Bad Guys: mobile social media's crime-fighting capabilities! 撲滅罪行 범죄단속 犯罪取締り
- http://bit.ly/ap8tqv "emotional efficiency: how to reap the most happiness for your dollar." Now, will it make you happy? 感情效率 감정의 효율 感情の効率
- http://bit.ly/9Kjsfm "I don't even make lunch money, no one is spending right now" (via @AP) 沒有人花錢 nobody is spending 아무도 돈을 안 쓴다 誰もお金を使わない
- http://bit.ly/c6DcZ1 Warmth wanted: @BarackObama's "existential detachment," world’s loneliest office 世界上最孤獨的座位 세상에서 가장 고독한 자리 世の中で最も孤独な席
- http://bit.ly/a3v4ls Euro / US Dollar news & graph (via @fxdaily), double zigzag 雙鋸齒 더블지그재그 ダブルジグザグ (+ and a 八月八日 bonus)
- package #1 for my dear sister http://post.ly/qmef
Friday, September 3, 2010
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