- I just had a long conversation with mom not realizing she is in Fukuoka.
- Setting sun lingers / In the vicinity of / Drying persimmon http://tinyurl.com/4be293t つるし柿 俳句 川柳
- Silly banana / It hails from the tropics yet / Dressed for wintertime http://tinyurl.com/4jfswlh バナナ 俳句・川柳
- golden peach http://tinyurl.com/4v22mkn 黄金桃 俳句 川柳
- nightingale rice cake http://tinyurl.com/4senbr5 鶯餅/うぐいすもち
- green cake, vermillion box http://tinyurl.com/4pmyhgr 蓬餅/よもぎもち
- zunda mochi http://tinyurl.com/4743gfv ずんだ餅
- egg mushroom http://tinyurl.com/4r8sax3 "half-dyed slender Caesar" Amanita hemibapha 卵茸/たまごたけ/タマゴタケ tamagotake
- honey mushroom http://tinyurl.com/46rbu7r Armillaria mellea 楢茸/ナラタケ/ならたけ naratake
- Um, I twittered the Japanese stuff a few hours too early - thowy.
- sake pairing: nigori sake paired with fiddlehead ferns fusilli http://tinyurl.com/4q5we9m nigorizake にごり酒
- poulet tandoori http://tinyurl.com/4bvoxwa
- warmed sake, warming sake jar http://tinyurl.com/4e3bkws 燗酒/かんざけ, 燗徳利/かんどくり kanzake, kandokuri
- sukiyaki haiku http://tinyurl.com/4ou9ggd すき焼き/鋤焼/すきやき/牛鍋 gyunabe beef nabe (hot pot)
- Kenchin vegetable soup http://tinyurl.com/4bh94u5 けんちん汁 kenchinjiru
- vinegar miso (vinegar + white miso) http://tinyurl.com/4quhj88 酢味噌/ 酢みそ/すみそ sumiso
- marinated and broiled snack on a stick http://tinyurl.com/46c8954 dengaku 田楽/でんがく
- bland but oh-so-good unseasoned udon http://tinyurl.com/4fzv282 真白なる湯気の釜揚げうどんかな
- pretty camellia cake http://tinyurl.com/4ea77br 椿餅/つばいもち/つばきもち tsubaki mochi
- Yummy water cake. ROAST-able water cake. http://tinyurl.com/47vangl 水餅/みずもち, 水饅頭 mizu mochi, mizu manju
- My wife has no use / Other than making yummy / Vegetable rice http://tinyurl.com/4szccbr 菜飯/菜めし/なめし
- Pine mushroom sushi / Two cups of sake also / Awaiting Kyoshi http://tinyurl.com/4tl7u5g 松茸寿司
- The Rise of the New Global Elite http://tinyurl.com/4epoea5
- SMOG certification for my little Miata which I rarely use
- This calls for romance / Calm waters, full to the gills / Firefly squid ocean http://tinyurl.com/4zeasac ホタルイカ
- One by one by one / Rockfish keeps on hooking on / Night meeting, perhaps http://tinyurl.com/4jzko74 一匹づつ眼張の付きし夕べかな
- An arctic surf clam / Color of a young lady / After it is grilled http://tinyurl.com/5vdlea2 北寄貝焼けば乙女の色となる
- A trout caught and raised / Spillage of iridescence / In the spring sunlight http://tinyurl.com/4fgempx
- A giant swordfish / Makes a splash in the ocean / Tricking the south wind http://tinyurl.com/4a3v5lm
- And you thought you knew haiku http://tinyurl.com/4n3qdut carriage shrimp sushi/sashimi 車海老/車蝦/車えび 寿司/刺身 (kuruma ebi, Japanese tiger prawn)
- Have you thought sea urchins were ugly? Ah, no. They are related to sand dollars after all http://tinyurl.com/4os9tld cousins of starfish
- Fish and Haiku, chrysanthemum edition http://tinyurl.com/4jy5yke blowfish sashimi and Imari porcelain 河豚食ふや伊万里の皿の菊模様 河豚/鰒/ふぐ/フグ 寿司/刺身 (fugu)
- Fish and Haiku http://tinyurl.com/4hyegue horse mackerel sushi/sashimi 鯵/鰺/アジ/あじ 寿司/刺身 (aji)
- Fish and Haiku http://tinyurl.com/4haepo2 mackerel (saba)
- more fish and haiku http://tinyurl.com/496r5hs flounder ^^
- fish and haiku continued http://tinyurl.com/4nv7qod tuna
- Wintry willow tree / She's skewering small snappers / Wife of the angler (I changed it slightly, and I like it) http://tinyurl.com/4thakpn
- Sharon's guide to sushi/sashimi with pictures http://tinyurl.com/4wjqjsx salmon 鮭/サケ 寿司/刺身 (sake) + bonus haiku 初鮭や網代の霧の時間より
- Sharon's guide to sushi/sashimi with pictures http://tinyurl.com/4wh283u (five-ray) yellowtail ブリ/鰤 寿司/刺身 (buri) + bonus haiku
- Sharon's guide to sushi/sashimi with pictures http://tinyurl.com/4thakpn today's fish: red seabream マダイ/真鯛 寿司/刺身 (madai) + bonus haiku
- flying fish sushi / sashimi http://tinyurl.com/4ggdezf トビウオ 寿司/刺身 (tobiuo)
- a lovely sunny morning http://tinyurl.com/4qavodk
- http://tinyurl.com/2a9fsal 我がためか鶴食み残す芹の飯 Does he mean to share / The crane doesn't finish his / Watercress dinner --Matsuo Bashō (松尾 芭蕉)
- Sake in Bambi cups! バンビカップ酒 http://tinyurl.com/2e576bz (若鹿, 秋鹿, 白鹿)
- A perfect drink to go with this Basho haiku http://tinyurl.com/2uujfp6 蒼海の浪酒臭し今日の月 (Matsuo Bashō 松尾 芭蕉)
- Poor Bashō. His haiku is butchered in English. Translation by Jane Reichhold! http://tinyurl.com/2bogzvp Is there better? (complete chron.)
- Starbucks logo old and new http://tinyurl.com/2epu5sn
- pretty soju poster girls http://tinyurl.com/2fos7e5 소주 광고 모델
- When you need a smile, read Bashō http://tinyurl.com/22r6z8x http://tinyurl.com/2685h5k この宿は/ 水鶏も知らぬ/ 扉かな --松尾 芭蕉
- bonus haiku http://tinyurl.com/29dcy2o 紺青の蟹のさみしき泉かな --阿波野青畝 Is the spring fountain/ Sadness of navy blue crab/ I am wondering - Awano Seiho
- fun octopus boxed lunches ^^ http://tinyurl.com/27shnjv
- boxed lunch series #8 salmon http://tinyurl.com/28tkyel 鮭めし sakemeshi + bonus haiku translation 黒染を 脱ぐべき 上り 鮭となる --平畑静塔 (Hirahata Seito)
- today's haiku http://tinyurl.com/23p4shg 鮞飯/ 濤(ナミ)音 いつか/ 納りし -岸田稚魚 Salmon roe mealtime/ Sound of lapping waves - sometime/ Satisfying end
- even more beautiful unagi eel lunch boxes http://tinyurl.com/2uulr89 うなぎめし unagimeshi bento
- beautiful anago eel lunch boxes http://tinyurl.com/23h7scq あなごめし anagomeshi bento
- To the poor patient oyster, where it sleeps / http://tinyurl.com/24qrseq boxed lunch series #4 oyster かきめし kakimeshi
- http://tinyurl.com/2e5qa33 Why did the chicken cross the road? boxed lunch series #3
- boxed lunch series #2 http://tinyurl.com/27cqx6a Warning: may induce strong bouts of nostalgia. Exceptionally beautiful.
- boxed lunches http://tinyurl.com/272ovl8 pretty cow designs
- mini "castella" sandwich http://tinyurl.com/28pun25 どら焼き dorayaki, mini pancakes filled with sweetness
- systemic debt crisis http://tinyurl.com/25kn4w9 the question for 2011: how much of the western world could be caught up?
- Pakistan shocked by assasination http://tinyurl.com/2bpxj9t extremists' tightening grip on the country as it struggles to govern
- Looks like melted caramel: http://tinyurl.com/26ktwbb It's not dessert. It's better than dessert. Sauce-filled mochi. Isobemochi. たれ入り磯辺餅
- 126-year-old confectionery shop sells only 1 item, mochi wafer sandwich http://tinyurl.com/2upzltz Kuuya monaka 空也もなか (with map coordinates)
- Tofu cookie! Yum ... ? http://tinyurl.com/2ba633c とうふクッキー
- generic chic http://tinyurl.com/2b3mwnz Clever or misguided? The retro-cool generic packaging: CalorieMate "block" shortbread カロリーメイトブロック
- http://tinyurl.com/29tmwyg NASA diligently listening for any peep as Mars rover Spirit remains mired in sand trap, "may never wake up again"
- http://tinyurl.com/2a7w87d A CERN physicist predicts 2011 might actually be the year that we discover the elusive particle Higgs Boson.
- Air Force to deploy "Gorgon Stare", a revolutionary airborne surveillance system http://tinyurl.com/2ezmlgz live video images of entire town
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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