Here they are: a scene from the 50's America vs. a scene from the 70's America in my mind: vs.
One of my favorite California scenes: the first photo here I keep going back to look at it
My picks so far: The Eye of Vichy (Chabrol), Private fears in public places (Resnais), Les Bonnes Femmes (Chabrol) Ran (Kurosawa) + popcorn
Japanese publishers now interested. Won't sign yet - will work on Basho haiku for 6 months and will choose then. I can afford to wait!
Bonus: Lovely San Francisco night pics + some of my other favorite photos
Firefly viewing trip / My steersman aboard gets drunk / Shaky condition 蛍見や船頭酔うておぼつかな
Late spring rain shower / Yet hollyhocks lean to face / The path of the sun 日の道や葵傾く五月雨
I should be mosaicing screenshots of my website on a blank basement wall. If just to save hard copies for my record
Sparkling beads of dew / On billowing bush clovers / Not a drop is spilled 白露もこぼさぬ萩のうねり哉
They used to be green / That was fine the way they were / Ripening peppers 青くてもあるべきものを唐辛子
To catch a bolt and / Not awake to one's nature / Praise Man's ignorance! 稲妻に悟らぬ人の貴さよ
Backwoods hideaway / No souls knocking on the door / Even water rails この宿は水鶏も知らぬ扉かな
1st pretty good translation I've seen done by Google Translate: "Deer at night without Pii sad ass voice" ぴいと啼く尻声悲し夜の鹿
Pee-eee someone wails / Leaves sorrowful sounds behind / Deer crying at night ぴいと啼く尻声悲し夜の鹿
Does she mean to share / The crane does not finish her / Watercress dinner 我がためか鶴食み残す芹の飯
Wintry willow tree / She's skewering small snappers / Wife of the angler 小鯛插す柳涼しや海士が家
I was a Teaching Associate at Cornell University. Comp. lit wasn't my field then, but I do know how pathetic American education is at the very top.
I'm the kind of guy / Who eats his early breakfast / With morning glories 朝顔に我は飯食う男哉
Asleep on my horse / Half-awake to the far moon / Ah - brewing tea smoke 馬に寝て残夢月遠し茶のけぶり
Always wondered: Why do 17th century poets sound like 19th century poets in attempts at translation? Many things wrong in the literary world.
What did the most famous Edo poet eat? Not much. But people were generous to him at times. Water eggplant was a treat:
Time to settle in / Sagging from draining sojourns / Wisteria blooms 草臥て宿かる比や藤の花
Camellia bloom / Mutiny against the leaves / Standoffish feeling 葉にそむく椿の花やよそ心
Forward-looking heart / Toward plum celebration / Chilled hibernation まづ祝へ梅を心の冬籠り
Morning male divers / First sight they happen upon / Poppies on the beach 海士の顔先見らるゝやけしの花
Yowza this is tops / Fresh-caught sweetfish sashimi / Nagara river 又やたぐひ長良の川の鮎鱠
Islands multiplied / Chipped into thousand fragments / On the summer sea 島々や千々に砕きて夏の海
I used "52% less energy than efficient similar homes"! PG&E personalized Home Energy Report
Spring onion cleaning / Its white rooted frostiness / Bracing ablution 葱白く洗ひたてたる寒さ哉
Ah to get drunk here / Open this dianthus bloom / Sleep atop this rock 酔うて寝ん撫子咲ける石の上
You and I are one / Butterfly alter ego / Master Zhuangzi's dream 君や蝶我や荘子が夢心
Azalea dye / Tears of a lesser cuckoo / Vermilion blooms 岩躑躅染むる涙やほととぎ朱
If you look closely / You'll find it under the fence / Little shepherd's purse よく見れば薺花咲く垣根かな
Anticipation / Thunderhead premonition / Lightning flash to come あの雲は稲妻を待つたより哉
Drink of mulberries / His flowerless existence / A butterfly monk 椹や花なき蝶の世捨酒
A curious soul / That butterfly dawdling on / Scentless blades of grass 物好きや匂はぬ草にとまる蝶
I am envious / North of my transient world here / Hill cherry blossoms うらやまし浮世の北の山桜
I'm no exception / One look, mesmerized conquest / Patrinia blooms 見るに我も折れるばかりぞ女郎花
Blooming plum's splendor / A cow is compelled to sing / Just like a spring bird この梅に牛も初音と鳴きつベし
What's keeping me from uploading with Instagram? It is best but I want to keep my favorite photos at the top after uploading so-so pics :(
So many ways to view your photos these days. This one courtesy of #Twitter
Morning glory blooms / The very shade of abyss / One of them lovelies 朝顔や一輪深き淵のいろ
I have so much hope for this pretty city #SanFrancisco #GoldenGateBridge
Best local news source cc @tktaylor I did see you walk by my house that time, it took me a second to realize it was you
A rainy day thought: This scene no longer exists even in Paris, but Berkeley cafes could certainly become the 1920s Left Bank! #VivaBerkeley
I've never gone after guys - I only reciprocate fully if I like the one chasing after me. Never gonna get myself a man unless they try hard!
Stimulating conversation with graduate students today. Berkeley is a hopeful place. Glad to be living where people are thirsty for knowledge
In disquietude / I climbed up the hill and saw / Riotous flowers 愁ひつつ岡にのぼれば花いばら
Twilight suspended / The kind of spring rain today / Never seems to set 春雨や暮れなむとしてけふもあり#haiku
Resting on the roof / Getting wet in the spring rain / Embroidered toy balls 春雨にぬれつつ屋根の手毬かな
Heavy rain showers / A vision in the distance / Ceylon cedar blooms むら雨や見かけて遠き花樗
Rhododendron blooms / Such heightening of colors / In the morning rain 石楠花の色濃くなりぬ朝の雨
Morning glory vines / In the way of burning rocks / Advancing onward 昼顔やぽつぽと燃える石ころへ
If I could ride a San Francisco time machine I'd like to photograph Larkin and Broadway Somehow vivid in my imagination
(still sleepy...) Getting some documents ready for tomorrow's meeting. Ugh. I hate paperwork.
Had coffee earlier, am wide awake now. Guess I've lost tolerance to caffeine! Watching Still pretty, not as good as Oh!
Plum scent fills my home / Yet what can I offer guests / Only chipped teacups 梅が香やどなたが来ても欠け茶碗
No, not jarring at all. Quality art *should* be as expensive as high fashion. It's not that people don't appreciate good poetry, it's just that it's been BAD.
Today's "poetry" turns me off, too. But people haven't encountered the Dior of poetry. Prada, Chanel, Gucci... No more humility.
Cooking myself beef & broccoli rice. Getting excited about my poetry project. Will be relaxing with movies. Life is good!
I asked Japanese Siri who she liked, and she told me she liked *ME*. Awww. I then asked who she hated. She told me to look it up on the web.
Comparison: Amidst hushed stillness /The rocks are suffused with sound /Chirps of cicadas (by #SharonHahnDarlin) vs.
Those of you working on my MacArthur Fellowship, this is what I'd like to do: Translate Basho, Issa, Shiki & Buson. A sorely needed project.
The B.E.S.T. gourmet(?) meal/snack you can prepare in 2 minutes: 1) Heat chopped bacon (1 inch) in a skillet 2) Mix in purple plum slices.
A lucid dream: a giant projection of my website (Language Gallery) in a gallery. Soundtrack:
Wind chimes from summer / Clink! The metal bells ringing / Autumn wind chimes now くろがねの秋の風鈴鳴りにけり
Yum. I'm having a late lunch of reconstituted shiitake mushroom pasta - *almost* as good :)
Amidst hushed stillness / The rocks are suffused with sound / Chirps of cicadas 閑かさや岩にしみ入る蝉の声
One of your ultimate goals in life should be to be glad every time someone asks, ".. So, how did you meet??"
The reason every Asian teenage girl dreams of visiting South Korea, partly explained:
What do I tell these fancy Asian girls who ask for "Skin Anniversary Beauty Town"? Spa meets salon meets gallery meets boutique meets restaurant...
Forsythia blooms / One branch after another / Best time of their lives 連翹の一枝づつの花ざかり
They're too polite to tell you at first. Many Asian visitors now feel San Francisco has become "a dirty, somewhat scary city." Distressing.
Chez Papa Resto no longer feels as festive. The whole SF restaurant scene receives a pitying look from a visiting Asian
「新しいiPad」ここまでのまとめ ①Retina ②A5X ③動画録画フルハイビジョン ④Voice Dictation ⑤4G LTE
Retweeted by Sharon Hahn Darlin
Pursuit of your dream / As for tonight some plum wine / For drinking alone 夢追うて今夜はひとり飲む梅酒
A disarming, charming film: Wish everyone in the Middle East could watch, including Iranians: Le Nom des Gens, "The Names of Love"
Mighty Choco Pie, "the taste of freedom and human rights" the humble snack soars in value in North Korean black market
Golden kerria / Leaf flower leaf flower leaf / Flower leaf flower 山吹や葉に花に葉に花に葉に
Film rec: L'argent de Poche (1976, "Small Change" or "Pocket Money") directed by François Truffaut (a completely relaxing week I'm having)