Thursday, May 7, 2009

  1. High Jinx was the white horse assigned to me in college. He threw me off one day during an obstacle course. Taught me how to fall, rise anew from web
  2. I feel bad for deserving magazines that went down. But some were colorfully untidy. A snapshot of Portfolio 5/1/07 from web
  3. @nytkeller's first tweet is a story on Pakistan. Nation-building? Sadly, that's not an option. Lee Kuan Yew has been telling us repeatedly. from web
  4. Real estate isn't private anymore. "Law firm partner swaps Georgetown 4BD for $1.75M" from web
  5. Once upon a time, I only had to deal with one type of people at a time. Now, it's like, durn, sokay, dude, oh, how do you do Mrs. Lovelace? from web
  6. Closing Luncheon Chair, moi. Elegant affair of a bygone era still lives on in Claremont Court. Champagne, china, doilies, ladies with hats.. from web
  7. #China. The moment I felt it? July '08 ".. architecture exudes an aura .. intellectual ferment as economic clout." from web
  8. Burned pot turned out not to be burned after all,"caramelized." Deglazed nicely and turned into yummy sauce. Am thankful and enchanted today from web
  9. Prevalent Facebook thumbnail images of cute men with babies-ratio much higher than cute women with babies. Better babe magnets than puppies? from web
  10. Now kids learn Chinese (Mandarin) on the iPhone. @maggilista's app just landed in the App Store. 水, 面... http://www.luckygrasshopper... from web
  11. そんなマッコリバーがバークレーにもあったらいいのに。。。想像してみるよ。でもあたし、濁り酒より純米酒のほうがもっと好きかもしれないけどね。焼酒でもいいし。雰囲気が良ければどうでもいい。 from web
  12. Burned a pot, while (sort of) discouraging Janet from getting a home water carbonating system. It'd be fun though to try making custom soda from web
  13. Happily nurturing void. More delicious than pie fillings. Now, sharing it with you makes it a bit less delicious, but still enough to last. from web
  14. Plotting the evening jogging course: Garber - College - Bancroft - Dana - Oxford - Center - Shattuck - Durant - Telegraph - Dwight - Etna - from Tweetie
  15. Milk tasting to determine aroma, body, finish. One has a hint of lemon, one of barnyard. Origin, climate unknown. from web
  16. Conspiracy? Commerce."the Japanese, South Koreans, Americans and Canadians have lots of jobs tied to existing cars from web
  17. Electric car competition:"A dirty little tech secret is that the West is a relative slouch in (battery) chemistry"
  18. The end of the sublime? Twitter mundane? Paper is not? Okay, blame the medium. Btw, dear poetry lovers, how many characters fit in a haiku? from web
  19. Every online info site should have a little donation box on the page. Make it ring like a bell so it feels like someone's getting his wings. from web
  20. Art auction? Yes, Claremont Court is a masterpiece. It's hard to say what's going to happen. Open house tomorrow. from web
  21. Only 2 years ago, 2934 Avalon Ave, Berkeley CA sold for $4,050,000. 2810 Oak Knoll Terrace $4,008,342. Let's see how 2970 Avalon Ave does. from web
  22. "So-and-so follows 98741263 people.."!? Twitter should, instead, list his actual "HOME" feed to show what garbage or gems he is "following". from web
  23. Why don't I "follow"? Not because I am rude. Actually, because I want to be polite. I'd rather not face the "reciprocal following" dilemma.. from web
  24. Word of the day "slowbie": slow food enthusiast, as opposed to fast food lover, someone with money and leisure to care about healthful food. from web
  25. Microcosmic flowers. Futile attempts to root infinity in the palm of our hands? Some prefer nettles, and so do I. from web
  26. Cute Sonoma Town Square, second trip in a week. Can't afford pricey meals after mom and dad's departure. Settled for Basque Boulangerie Cafe from Tweetie
  27. Claremont Court homes rarely go on the market. Neighbor's open house, 2970 Avalon Avenue, Berkeley, CA $2,950,000 from web
  28. Sunni-Shia? Islam prophet Muhammad dies. Succession issues. Most muslims, Sunni, accept the caliphs regardless of blood line. Shiites don't. from web
  29. What's exciting about this Twitter revolution is (or should be) that it's now less about who you know and more about what you know. Cheers. from web
  30. First, dad decides to take a nap in the parking lot. Mom gushes about the Bear Gulch Cave and the reservoir on top. Guess who climbed twice. from web
  31. Just looked at a few "celebrity twitter". @johncmayer not bad. @realhughjackman, meh. @andersoncooper, meh @aplusk, meh @GStephanopoulos meh from web
  32. @Maggilista Lovely Maggie Farley has joined Twitter. Please cheer her on. Her wish list: world peace, dream house, trapeze in Washington D.C from web
  33. Happy Black Day to You. Indulge in black food to celebrate your chic singledom or to wallow in dark gooey sauce.. from web
  34. 1769-1823 Los Franciscanos establecieron 21 misiones en el oeste de Alta California. At the courtyard fountain, Mission San Francisco Solano
  35. Maggie Farley "loves Sharon Hahn's recipe for Peeps s'mores" (on Facebook). Aww. Well, I wondered if peep s'more was a cruel idea. Isn't it? from web
  36. Cupertino, then San Francisco boutiques today. Dinner at "Singapore Malaysian Restaurant" on Clement. Pinnacles National Monument tomorrow.
  37. Retwittering until smart folks figure out how to optimize twitter search w/ google search. "Trending" and archive.

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