- Leapingabout 11 hours ago from Tweetie
- I am, for the most part, experiencing myself as objectively existing subjectivity. It calls for a cocktail, but this drink can't be named.10:59 PM Nov 7th from web
- Where's the glitz? At Film Awards held in Seoul, stars will be escorted in style in Quattroporte S sponsored by Maserati 2:35 PM Nov 5th from web
- Personal archaeology continues. Spookily prescient or coincidental moments: Jan 21, June 9, Sept 15. Who'd believe me?8:29 AM Nov 5th from web
- Copying and pasting has never been this much fun. Look! Not bad considering I'm not a computer. For that matter, not any kind of machine.12:39 AM Nov 5th from web
- ☆ Mankind leaves ◐*,┎凸┑ forgotten.. lonely WALL*ⓔ collects ∋-- O--. ♬♬┎ii┑--> (●●)ノ┎凸┑ loves EVE. WALL-E not forgotten. 11:32 AM Nov 4th from web
- Found in my study huge Motorola pocket phone, Ericsson LX677, original PalmPilot, Samsung Sprint clamshell, first iPhone11:01 PM Oct 31st from web
- A leap of faith. How can something that is present everywhere seem so elusive? Hoping I'll end up with a fine needle..11:03 AM Oct 31st from web
- It's a boat..it's a plane..it's flarecraft! (Heavy commercial transport application is being developed) WIG ship /GEV 7:30 PM Oct 29th from web
- Studying ferry travel feasibility. Shanghai 上海 - Jeju 제주 - Busan 부산 - Ulsan 울산 - Fukuoka 福岡 - Nagasaki 長崎 (京都 will be a separate trip)11:22 PM Oct 27th from web
- A sweet butterfly resting on a dry leaf. Poised to take off any second? Such pretty wings.4:51 PM Oct 27th from Tweetie
- Peer esteem > self-esteem => modesty. Peer esteem = self-esteem => self-possession. Peer esteem < esteem =""> douchebaggery, right?1:32 PM Oct 27th from web
- Bananas are ripening. Time to bake banana nut bread. Would mixing in cream cheese risk ruining it, or take the loaf to a whole new level?9:41 AM Oct 27th from web
- Momofuku Ko delivers despite highest expectations,"food which has been offered to gods" hundred peachy tasting notes7:52 PM Oct 26th from web
- Idea of the day #2: Pump sappy, feel-good romantic dramas/comedies into prison cells 24/7. Okay, not 24/7. All waking hours. Brainwash.3:45 PM Oct 24th from Tweetie
- Idea of the day: Profitable markets (e.g. cheap tools) in world's poor areas lead to more prosperity than offering direct donations.3:36 PM Oct 24th from Tweetie
- AR (augmented reality) application Layar could get so much better. Hopeful about smart tags, good photos, notes, translated foreign signs2:59 PM Oct 24th from Tweetie
- Pan American Victory, Earlham Victory... Benicia's World War II cargo ships will gradually be towed out of Suisun Bay 7:58 AM Oct 23rd from web
- Perpetual virtual perfection = paralysis? Music tapes loop in my head, day and night. Is this real, after all? What must I do now?11:53 PM Oct 22nd from web
- Does size matter? Scientists discover a new "golden orb weaver" spider (Nephila Komaci) measuring over 12cm in diameter1:44 PM Oct 22nd from web
- How do you get back the American Dream? Embrace the Asian Dream. Fix our 敎育政策. Fix our schools. Celebrate learning. 10:21 PM Oct 21st from web
- Mom knows best. Yes, mom. Got it. I love you.9:43 PM Oct 20th from web
- Me overreacting = hope, actually. Practically nothing perturbs me. I'm actually looking up. The world is indeed beautiful, and I'm uplifted.5:22 PM Oct 20th from web
- The future cannot truly begin until it's a clean slate, no longer a carcass full of memory banks... a sad, tough balance in between.11:39 PM Oct 19th from web
- (That doesn't mean people don't tell ME things offline, of course. I am sort of a depository of confidences.)2:32 PM Oct 19th from web
- Hi Tracey @. Good to hear from you. If I tell more, I'll probably get in trouble. I don't tell anything offline, by the way. Regards2:31 PM Oct 19th from web