Monday, November 9, 2009

  1. Leaping
  2. I am, for the most part, experiencing myself as objectively existing subjectivity. It calls for a cocktail, but this drink can't be named.
  3. Where's the glitz? At Film Awards held in Seoul, stars will be escorted in style in Quattroporte S sponsored by Maserati
  4. Personal archaeology continues. Spookily prescient or coincidental moments: Jan 21, June 9, Sept 15. Who'd believe me?
  5. Copying and pasting has never been this much fun. Look! Not bad considering I'm not a computer. For that matter, not any kind of machine.
  6. ☆ Mankind leaves ◐*,┎凸┑ forgotten.. lonely WALL*ⓔ collects ∋-- O--. ♬♬┎ii┑--> (●●)ノ┎凸┑ loves EVE. WALL-E not forgotten.
  7. Found in my study huge Motorola pocket phone, Ericsson LX677, original PalmPilot, Samsung Sprint clamshell, first iPhone
  8. A leap of faith. How can something that is present everywhere seem so elusive? Hoping I'll end up with a fine needle..
  9. It's a's a's flarecraft! (Heavy commercial transport application is being developed) WIG ship /GEV
  10. Studying ferry travel feasibility. Shanghai 上海 - Jeju 제주 - Busan 부산 - Ulsan 울산 - Fukuoka 福岡 - Nagasaki 長崎 (京都 will be a separate trip)
  11. A sweet butterfly resting on a dry leaf. Poised to take off any second? Such pretty wings.
  12. Peer esteem > self-esteem => modesty. Peer esteem = self-esteem => self-possession. Peer esteem < esteem =""> douchebaggery, right?
  13. Bananas are ripening. Time to bake banana nut bread. Would mixing in cream cheese risk ruining it, or take the loaf to a whole new level?
  14. Momofuku Ko delivers despite highest expectations,"food which has been offered to gods" hundred peachy tasting notes
  15. Idea of the day #2: Pump sappy, feel-good romantic dramas/comedies into prison cells 24/7. Okay, not 24/7. All waking hours. Brainwash.
  16. Idea of the day: Profitable markets (e.g. cheap tools) in world's poor areas lead to more prosperity than offering direct donations.
  17. AR (augmented reality) application Layar could get so much better. Hopeful about smart tags, good photos, notes, translated foreign signs
  18. Pan American Victory, Earlham Victory... Benicia's World War II cargo ships will gradually be towed out of Suisun Bay
  19. Perpetual virtual perfection = paralysis? Music tapes loop in my head, day and night. Is this real, after all? What must I do now?
  20. Does size matter? Scientists discover a new "golden orb weaver" spider (Nephila Komaci) measuring over 12cm in diameter
  21. How do you get back the American Dream? Embrace the Asian Dream. Fix our 敎育政策. Fix our schools. Celebrate learning.
  22. Mom knows best. Yes, mom. Got it. I love you.
  23. Me overreacting = hope, actually. Practically nothing perturbs me. I'm actually looking up. The world is indeed beautiful, and I'm uplifted.
  24. The future cannot truly begin until it's a clean slate, no longer a carcass full of memory banks... a sad, tough balance in between.
  25. (That doesn't mean people don't tell ME things offline, of course. I am sort of a depository of confidences.)
  26. Hi Tracey @tktaylor. Good to hear from you. If I tell more, I'll probably get in trouble. I don't tell anything offline, by the way. Regards

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